
网上最好的赌博软件在医疗保健教育方面有着卓越的传统, 1925年作为护理学院开设文凭课程. 从那时起, 网上最好的赌博软件下载 was incorporated as a degree-granting institution and a new campus was built which allowed for expansion of our healthcare education offerings. 网上最好的赌博软件对学生的基本承诺始终坚定不移. Our current students receive the same commitment given to students throughout the past almost 100 years, which is to prepare them to be outstanding healthcare practitioners are who committed to lifelong learning. 

网上最好的赌博软件位于爱荷华州滑铁卢一个美丽的校园. The Waterloo-雪松瀑布 metropolitan area combines the diversity of a large city with the friendliness of a small town. 居民重视他们的高质量生活,并努力保持它. The metro area offers a setting appropriate for nearly every occasion-from shopping and dining at an increasing number of retail areas and restaurants, 沿着自然小径悠闲地散步,在令人振奋的夜晚听音乐会, 表演或体育赛事.


UnityPoint健康-滑铁卢 (aka Allen 健康 System including Allen Memorial Hospital) has always recognized its responsibility to prepare health professionals who will provide quality health care to patients in Northeast Iowa. UnityPoint健康-滑铁卢, 通过其董事会, takes pride in supporting an accredited college that provides top programs that are in the forefront of nursing and health sciences education.



In 1925, Allen Memorial Hospital opened the hospital-based diploma-granting 护理学院. 1928年,第一批10名学生毕业.


由于大萧条,护理学院关闭了. In 1942, the 护理学院 reopened and the State Teacher’s College (now known as the University of Northern Iowa) provided the basic science instruction.




网上最好的赌博软件下载 of Nursing was incorporated in 1989 as a subsidiary of Allen 健康 System to establish a degree-granting institution offering nursing and allied health programs.

1990年:爱荷华州护理批准委员会 & 第一批入学

爱荷华州护理委员会于1990年3月批准了护理学学士学位课程. 第一批学生在1990年秋季入学, 1991年春天开设了第一门护理课程.

网上最好的赌博软件与北爱荷华大学签订了协议, 雪松瀑布, 瓦特堡大学, 威弗利和鹰眼社区学院, 滑铁卢提供通识教育和支持课程.


网上最好的赌博软件第一批学生于1994年5月毕业. 26名学生获得护理学学士学位.






The Radiologic Technology Certificate Program transferred to 网上最好的赌博软件下载 from Allen Memorial Hospital.


The 网上最好的赌博软件下载 董事会 of Trustees changed the name from 网上最好的赌博软件下载 of Nursing to 网上最好的赌博软件下载 because the radiography program had been added and to allow for further growth. 

艾伦纪念医院护理学院的最后一届学员于1997年5月毕业, 结束了近70年来护理文凭教育的辉煌. Allen graduates serve as leaders in all fields of nursing practice in all parts of the United States. 许多人因对专业和社会的贡献而获得荣誉.


网上最好的赌博软件下载 established the Associate of Science in Radiography program and graduated its first class in 2000.

A 护理学硕士 (MSN) degree program with a family nurse practitioner track began in the fall of 1998. This program meets the needs of RNs for a locally based graduate program in nursing and the need for additional primary care providers in our region of Iowa.



2001-2009: MSN轨道扩展
  • 2001: Tracks in Nursing Education and Leadership in 健康 Care Delivery track were added to the MSN program.
  • 2007: Tracks preparing nurse practitioners in acute care nursing and adult psychiatric-mental health nursing were added.
  • 2009: An MSN track that prepares adult and gerontological nurse practitioners began admitting students.


The 网上最好的赌博软件下载 董事会 of Trustees approved offering a Bachelor of 健康 Sciences degree with three tracks: medical laboratory science, 核医学技术和诊断医学超声.

Students were admitted to the medical laboratory science and nuclear medicine technology tracks in the fall of 2009 and to the diagnostic medical sonography track in the fall of 2010.


护理实践博士(DNP)项目由学院董事会批准, 爱荷华护理委员会和高等教育委员会. 学院最初在2011年秋季开设了这个研究生项目.

2012-2013: MSN轨道改变

  • 2012: The MSN track in psychiatric-mental health nursing was changed to Family Psychiatric Mental 健康 Nurse Practitioner.
  • 2012: The Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Program was revised to an Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Program. 
  • 2012: The Adult and Gerontological Nurse Practitioner programs were combined to an Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Program.
  • 2013年:新增MSN公共卫生专业.

  • 口腔卫生及公共卫生: 该学院获得了其地区认证机构的最终批准, 高等教育委员会, 开设新的口腔卫生和公共卫生学士学位课程, 都是通过远程教育来实现的. 这些课程的学生获得健康科学学士学位. The public health program began in fall 2014 while the dental hygiene program admitted its first students in fall 2015.
  • EdD: The Higher Learning Commission approved 网上最好的赌博软件下载 to offer the 卫生专业教育博士 program (EdD). 第一批学生于2014年秋季入学.


The Iowa 健康 System changed its name to UnityPoint 健康 and is now one of the nation's most integrated health systems and Allen 健康 System is doing business as UnityPoint健康-滑铁卢. 通过与超过1人的关系,100名提供者和专家以及各种各样的医生诊所, 城市和农村社区的医院以及整个地区的家庭护理服务, UnityPoint 健康在爱荷华州各地提供医疗服务, 伊利诺斯州, 和威斯康辛州. UnityPoint 健康实体雇用了32名以上的员工,000名员工, working toward innovative advancements to deliver the Best Outcome for Every Patient Every Time.


学院寻求职业治疗理学硕士学位的认证. 2015年春天, the College applied for 认证 by the 认证 Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). 第一批学生于2015年秋季入学.


A collaboration agreement was established with the University of Minnesota allows a track in Nursing Informatics. 这条赛道于2023年停产.



2019: Bachelor of 健康 Sciences track in Medical Imaging Added and Doctoral Physical Therapy Program Planned
  • A Bachelor of 健康 Sciences track in medical image was added where students could choose to study either Computed Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
  • 学院为物理治疗博士学位寻求认证.


The College applied for 认证 by the Commission on 认证 for Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) and was granted candidacy status in November 2020. 第一批学生于2021年春季入学.


物理治疗博士(DPT)计划收到 认证 从物理治疗认证委员会(CAPTE)获得为期五年的认证. 第一批五名学生于2023年12月从DPT项目毕业.